Caring for skin with Rosacea

For those that suffer with Rosacea finding the right skincare routine can be particularly difficult. Rosacea is a surprisingly common condition and symptoms include facial redness, visible broken capillaries, an uncomfortable burning sensation across the affected area and sometimes pustules.

There are also different types of Rosacea, the most common affects the cheeks with visible broken capillaries, flushing and erythema. Rosacea that is often confused with acne, Papulopustular Rosacea has a similar appearance with pustules in the central region of the face. In addition, Phymatous Rosacea is characterised by a thickened skin with enlarged pores around the nose that can create an inflamed bulbous look, more commonly affecting men.

Although there is no known cure for rosacea there are ways in which you can manage the condition. We can help you to find a regime that works with your skin, our specialist preparations are hypoallergenic and have been formulated for hypersensitive skin.

We recommend a daily regime using Gentle Cleanser, Calming & Desensitising Gel, The Specialist Serum and Oxygenating Moisture Protection. For more profuse Rosacea Problematic Skin Gel is also beneficial.

Here are some things that you can also do to help -

Rosacea is a vascular inflammatory condition therefore heat on the skin can exacerbate flushing.  Try to avoid saunas, heated masks, harsh exfoliators and anything that increases skin temperature.

Choose skincare that is un-perfumed and without irritants such as parabens and alcohol. Gel bases that soothe and reduce redness work very well. Rosacea is very different to acne and you should avoid harsh skincare ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide that target teenage acne as they will often irritate rosacea.

Try to identify your triggers by keeping a diary. Hot drinks, alcohol and spicy food commonly cause flare-ups.

Protect your skin by applying UVA/UVB SPF each day, in the summer use a sunhat when outside and avoid midday sun. In cold, windy weather try to shield by using a scarf.

Make sure showers aren’t too hot, pat your skin dry gently instead of rubbing.

If you would like personalised and confidential skincare advice, please do get in touch.